US President Donald Trump said on Monday that Chinese startup DeepSeek's technology should act as spur for American companies and said it was good that companies in China have come up with a cheaper, faster method of artificial intelligence."The release of DeepSeek, AI from a Chinese company should be a wakeup call for our industries that we need to be laser-focused on competing to win," Trump said in Florida.Investors sold technology stocks across the globe on Monday over concerns the emergence of a low-cost Chinese artificial intelligence model would threaten the dominance of the current U.S.-based AI leaders."I've been reading about China and some of the companies in China, one in particular coming up with a faster method of AI and much less expensive method, and that's good because you don't have to spend as much money. I view that as a positive, as an asset," Trump said. n18oc_world n18oc_crux0:00 INTRODUCTION2:32 DEEPSEEK RATTLES US TECH INDUSTRY4:50 MAYHEM ON WALL STREET6:32 DEEPSEEK HIT BY CYBERATTACK7:17 WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT DEEPSEEK
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